
Partida-Peñalva, V. 2017. "Stripping in Spanish: Focalized PP Remnants". In Proceedings of the 2017 annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association PDF here

Mora-Bustos, A., Partida-Peñalva, V., López Marín, A., Flores Crescenciano, P., Romero Rodríguez, M. and Flores Crescenciano, N. 2017. "Nu Piche 'El Fantasma', un relato mazahua". Tlalocan 21: 215-248. PDF here


Partida-Peñalva, V. 2017. Split-S in Mazahua and the obligatory little-v agreement. Generals Paper I. Toronto, University of Toronto. PDF here


Invited Talks

Partida-Peñalva, V. 2021. Event structure and Split Intransitivity in Mazahua. Workshop on the Languages of Mesoamerica. UC Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz, CA. November 19th 2021. PDF here

Conference Presentations

Partida-Peñalva, V. 2023. (Poster) Two derivations of VO order in Mazahua: Predicate fronting and noun-incorporation. WSCLA 2023. McGill University, Montreal, Canada. April 28-30th 2023.

Partida-Peñalva, V. 2022. Word Order in Mazahua (Jñatjo/Jñatrjo). TOMILLA 4. University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. December 9th 2022

Partida-Peñalva, V. 2021. Intransitividad escindida en mazahua. Una propuesta en Morfología Distribuida. II ELF. Puebla, México. September 8-10th 2021. PDF here

Partida-Peñalva, V. 2021. (Poster) The Stative-Inchoative alternation in Mazahua. A morphosyntactic account for the derivation of inchoatives. WSCLA 25. May 28-30th 2021. PDF here

Partida-Peñalva, V. 2021. Reanalyzing the stative-inchoative alternation in Mazahua. MOTH 2021. Hamilton, Canada. April 19-20th 2021. PDF here

Partida-Peñalva, V. 2019. Little-v agreement and Split-S in Mazahua. CLA 2019. Vancouver, Canada. June 1-3th.

Partida-Peñalva, V. 2018. Split-S in Mazahua and the obligatory little-v agreement. TOMILLA 2. Montreal, Canada. November 24th.

Partida-Peñalva, V. 2018. The uno strategy in Spanish: A mechanism for Gender recoverability. MoMOTH 3. Toronto, Canada. November 16th-17th.

Partida-Peñalva, V. 2018. (Poster) The uno strategy in Spanish NP-Ellipsis Revisited. Nominals at the Interfaces. Seoul, South Korea. November 2-4th.

Partida-Peñalva, V. 2018. Multiple PP-remnants in Spanish Pseudostripping: The interaction between NP- and TP-ellipsis. MOTH 6. Montreal, Canada. April 28th.

Partida-Peñalva, V. 2017. The internal order of the Serbian/Croatian clitic string. A DM approach. SLS 12. Ljubljana, Slovenia. September 21-24th.

Partida-Peñalva, V. 2017. Stripping in Spanish: Focalized PP Remants. CLA 2017. Toronto, Canada. May 27-29th.

Partida-Peñalva, V. 2017. (Poster) On the positioning of Serbian/Croatian (SC) clitics: A DM approach. MOTH 5. Hamilton, Canada. April 8th, 2017.

Ayala, A., Donohue, Y., Mora-Bustos, A. and Partida-Peñalva, V. 2013. (Poster) La forma ná- en construcciones nominales y predicativas del mazahua. XII Congreso Nacional de Lingüística (AMLA). Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico. October 9-12, 2013.

Mora-Bustos, A. and Partida-Peñalva, V. 2012. Análisis categorial, semántico y morfofonológico del sufijo –tho en mazahua. XII Encuentro Internacional de Lingüística en el Noroeste. Hermosillo, Mexico. November 14-16th.

Contreras, J., Mora-Bustos, A. and Partida-Peñalva, V. 2012. Procesos de construcción de radicales bisilábicos y palabras derivadas y compuestas en el mazahua de San Pedro Potla, Edo. de México. IX Coloquio de Lingüística en la ENAH. Mexico City, Mexico. April 26-28th.

Contreras, J., Mora-Bustos, A. and Partida-Peñalva, V. 2012. Procesos morfológicos del mazahua. V Coloquio Sobre Lenguas Otomangues y Vecinas Antonio de los Reyes. Oaxaca de Juárez, Mexico. April 20-22nd.

Contreras, J. and Partida-Peñalva, V. 2012. Clasificación de procesos morfológicos del mazahua de San Pedro Potla, Edo. de México. Primer Encuentro Estudiantil de Lingüística de la UAM-I. Mexico City, Mexico. February 27-29th.